Device Equals ANSI Dot Sys

Click here to download the above image in android wallpaper format!

As a kid I figured out how to edit my father’s config.sys and autoexec.bat to change font colors in MS-DOS. Without the help from the internet, it was such a mysterious age where small technological discoveries were made based solely on trial and error, gossip, obscure scripts, tools and white papers spread on LAN parties and floppies.

The trick was to load the binary file ansi.sys using the DEVICE= directive in config.sys, enabling escape sequence interpretation to the standard output — which included means for changing the background and foreground font color on the command prompt.

I later installed Red Hat Linux 5.2 in 1998, but after a while I ended up compiling my own “distro” based on Linux from Scratch. My favourite nostalgic piece of memory is still my only ANSI art creation to date, namely my /etc/issue (image shown above), born based on piping and overlying Tux from Welcome2L (c) LittleIgloo.Org on a classical Windows 9x blue screen of death replica!

UPDATED 17/8-18: Added Android wallpaper version of BSOD Tux.